Causes of Spinal Misalignment

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Spinal misalignment is extremely painful, and is also fairly common, especially among older patients. Spinal misalignment is a type of injury that gets worse the longer it is left alone. If it goes untreated, it will eventually deteriorate the joints in the spine and put stress on just about every single system of the body. This leads to major health problems, not to mention pain and discomfort throughout the rest of life.

In order to figure out how to avoid this problem, it’s important to identify what exactly causes spinal misalignment. The spine does not just become misaligned on its own. In this blog, Dr. Nathen Horst and the team at Horst Chiropractic in Temecula, CA discuss some of the top factors that influence spinal misalignment.

What Causes Spinal Misalignment?

Many factors can contribute to spinal misalignment. Here are some of the most common causes:

  1. Sports injuries – Sports are fun for everyone to engage in, but they can also be dangerous to the body, especially without the help of doctors. For individuals that play sports often, it’s important to remember there are many different types of sport injuries that can cause spinal misalignment. One of the most common is a blow to the head, which can occur in just about any sport. Falls and collisions, both of which are part of playing a contact sport like rugby or football, can also cause this issue. When engaging in any of these contact sports, individuals should use protective gear, and then seek out the help of a chiropractor to help with realignment.
  2. Car accidents – An issue like whiplash could also cause misalignment of the spine. More likely, during a car accident, direct trauma may affect the spinal column. Even if the injury is not severe, it could cause misalignment, which will eventually become severe. Any individual that is in a car accident should seek chiropractic care after the incident. It will save a lot of frustration from dealing with spinal pain.
  3. Childhood development – Young people are susceptible to spinal misalignment during some of their major childhood milestones, including learning to walk or ride a bike. During these activities, falling is common and any impact to the spine or the area around the spine can cause misalignment. People don’t often think to take their children to the chiropractor as that age, but it’s important.
  4. Surgery – A person whose body is manipulated while under anesthesia could discover that they have a spinal misalignment when they wake up. Any type of invasive procedure could result in this.
  5. Impact of any kind – Trauma to the spine, whether from a fall or from a direct injury to the area, might cause a misalignment. Any patient that suspects misalignment should contact a chiropractor as soon as possible.

For more information about chiropractic care, individuals can contact Horst Chiropractic at any time. Any member of our staff would be happy to answer questions or set up an appointment with Dr. Horst.

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