Chiropractic Care for Repetitive Motion Injuries

 In Conditions

Repetitive motion injuries are some of the most common in the world, and they may even occur during a person’s normal, everyday activities, without any specific injury or issue. While they are especially common in athletes, anyone who does a motion with a leg, hand, arm, or another part of the body on a regular basis may experience a repetitive motion injury. Here is some basic information about common repetitive motion injuries and how chiropractic care with Dr. Nathen Horst can help in regards to treating pain and preventing further injury.

Common Repetitive Motion Injuries

A repetitive motion can refer to just about any motion, from typing to running. As long as a person is engaging in some type of repetitive motion, there is risk of injury. While there are ways to minimize the risk of developing a repetitive motion injury, it is unlikely that a person will be able to completely avoid it. Bursitis and tendonitis are the most common repetitive motion injuries, and they are similar and often occur in conjunction with one another. Here is some basic information on tendonitis and bursitis, but it’s important to remember that a doctor will be able to quickly determine the difference.

  • Tendonitis – This injury occurs when a tendon becomes inflamed, and can be rather painful. These tissues are located throughout the body and they are extremely strong, attaching muscle to bone. Repetitive motion can put serious strain on these tendons, inflaming them and causing a dull ache and weakness in the site of the inflammation, even when the muscle and tendon are not being used. The shoulders, chest, and elbows are the most common places for tendonitis, but it can occur anywhere in the body where there is a tendon.
  • Bursitis – In an area where there is often a lot of friction, as there is between a tendon and bone where that tendon is repetitively used, a bursa sac may form. Some bursa sacs may exist from birth, but they can develop and become inflamed due to repetitive motion, especially in the hip, elbow, and knee.

These are only two of many repetitive motion injuries that can occur not just in athletes, but also to anyone who uses the same muscles in the same way, in a repetitive manner. For anyone experiencing this type of injury, it is important to seek help.

Chiropractic Care for Repetitive Motion Injuries

Chiropractic care can be very beneficial for an individual who has a repetitive motion injury. Meeting with a chiropractor to determine the best course of action for an individual and their situation is the most optimal way to find a solution that eliminates or, at the very least, lessens the problem. Dr. Horst may perform manipulation techniques to reduce pain, or he may recommend stretching exercises, massage, cold therapy, or hot therapy to treat repetitive motion injuries.

For more information about chiropractic care for repetitive motion injuries, or to make an appointment, please contact us at Horst Chiropractic today. Any of our staff can help answer your basic questions and will be able to make an appointment or schedule a consultation.

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