Chiropractic Care for Skier’s Thumb

 In Athletes

Skier’s thumb is an injury that can occur in skiers and other athletes. It is most commonly caused by the force that ski poles put on the thumb and the metacarpophalangeal joint ligament. However, even people who don’t ski can experience pain caused by skier’s thumb. Ultimately, this disorder is caused when stress is applied to this joint repeatedly, either through skiing or through any other motion that has the same effect. Stress on this ligament can cause it to become injured, either through hyperextension or inflammation. One bad fall can cause enough stress that it creates a serious injury that should be addressed immediately. How skier’s thumb is treated will depend entirely on the extent of the injury. Here is more information about skier’s thumb, and how it is best treated through chiropractic care. To undergo chiropractic treatment for skier’s thumb, contact the Temecula, CA practice of Dr. Nathen Horst.

What Is Skier’s Thumb?

The first metacarpal bone (the thumb) has ligaments on either side, attaching it to the metacarpophalangeal joint. These ligaments are used when a person uses the thumb to grip something. As with any ligament, there is the possibility of strain. When the thumb is bent away from the fingers, the ligaments are stretched and can become injured. This type of strain is called skier’s thumb or gamekeeper’s thumb.

It is very common in skiers, who, if they fall while holding a ski pole, can easily hyperextend the thumb, but just about any fall could result in this type of injury. A strain or partial tear to these ligaments can often be treated by a chiropractor, while a more serious issue may require surgery in order to be remedied.

Symptoms of skier’s thumb include swelling and a smarting pain. Patients affected by skier’s thumb may also notice bruising in the area and a weakness in their grip. For some people, it may even become impossible to hold objects, or the thumb may swell so much that it is completely stiff.

How Is Skier’s Thumb Treated?

A chiropractor can help a person experiencing skier’s thumb in a number of ways. The first stage of treatment is usually immobilization, which could include a splint or a cast. Before putting the thumb in a splint, it is important to contact the chiropractor for a consultation. Rehabilitation is the next step, and will help increase strength and range of motion. Working with a chiropractor can be one of the best ways to treat this type of injury quickly.

While it may not sound like the most significant injury, ignoring the pain and putting off treatment can seriously damage the ligament and make it impossible to restore strength and function in that part of the hand. Therefore, it’s important for a patient to seek treatment immediately.

For more information about chiropractic care for skier’s thumb, or to make an appointment, please contact us at Horst Chiropractic today. Any of our staff can help answer your basic questions and will be able to schedule a consultation with the chiropractor.

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