Chiropractic Care for Swimmers

 In Athletes

Swimming might not be one of the most impact-heavy sports, but that does not mean that it is not physically demanding and extremely hard on the body. If you swim on a regular basis, whether competitively or to work out the body, you should be aware that there is a possibility that you could injury your body. The reason for this is because swimmers engage in several repetitive motions, which can lead to pain and even injury.

Fortunately, chiropractic care can help swimmers alleviate pain that is caused by swimming and working out. In this blog post, Dr. Nathen Horst discusses the most common types of chiropractic care, when swimmers should seek chiropractic care, and how swimmers can get chiropractic care from a local clinic. To learn more about swimmers and chiropractic care, contact our Temecula, CA practice, Horst Chiropractic, today.

What Is the Most Common Type of Chiropractic Care for Swimmers?

For swimmers that experience joint pain, hip pain, leg pain, shoulder pain, or arm pain, it’s important to seek care from a chiropractor. A chiropractor will be able to help alleviate pain and help the athlete continue to enjoy the sport they love, all while helping the body recover and prepare for future swims.

Many swimmers that are seeking chiropractic care for the first time want to know what the most common type of chiropractic care is for swimmers. Since swimmers repeat the same motions over and over, the most common type of chiropractic care for swimmers is to manipulate the body through alignment. When the body is aligned properly, it helps reduce inflammation and ease strain on joints.

During the alignment, the chiropractor will focus on the shoulder, hips, spine, neck, and the legs. What many swimmers don’t know is that even if they are feeling pain in one part of their body, it can be because another part of the body is out of alignment. That’s why chiropractors take a more holistic approach to healing the patient.

When Should Swimmers Seek Chiropractic Care?

Many swimmers, especially those who want to compete professionally, will get chiropractic care to prevent injuries and treat injuries after they occur. Chiropractic care, especially regular adjustments that concentrate on the shoulders and legs, can be useful for swimmers as a way to avoid injury and to treat it when it occurs.

As a general rule, the earlier a swimmer notices symptoms and the earlier they go to the chiropractor, the quicker the chiropractor will be able to repair injuries and prevent future injury. Additionally, the sooner a chiropractor can treat the problem, the shorter the recovery time will be.

How to Seek Chiropractic Care

Remember that different types of swim strokes will create different injuries, which may affect the shoulders, knees, back, and hips. A chiropractor can help with these issues.

For more information about how to get help from a chiropractor, patients can contact Horst Chiropractic. Any member of our staff would be happy to answer your questions or set up your consultation with Dr. Horst. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

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