Chiropractic Treatment for Sprains

 In Conditions

A sprain can be an incredibly debilitating and painful injury. Sprains occur when ligaments in a joint are overworked. Small or large tears may develop, impacting both the amount of pain that a patient experiences and the length of time required for healing. Because sprains often affect joints like the ankle, wrist, or knee, they can impair day-to-day activities and cause long-term damage if not properly treated. Proper sprain treatments typically address immediate concerns like swelling and potential tears. Long-term treatments like stretching and massage therapy can also be performed to promote healing. At Horst Chiropractic in Temecula, we offer various chiropractic treatments for sprains.

The Science Behind a Sprain

The ligaments are key components of the body. They literally hold the bones together. Therefore, even minor damage to a ligament can impact usability and performance of the joints, which in turn will slow down even the fittest of individuals.

A sprain can occur due to a range of activities, from high-impact athletics to simply taking a misstep while walking. Once the ligament is injured, swelling and pain occur, and in some cases, a general instability is felt when weight is applied to the joint (as in the cases of knee and ankle sprains).

Sprains are typically classified as first degree (mildest), second degree (midrange), and third degree (severe).

How a Chiropractor Can Help

Chiropractors can assist in the healing of sprains and joint concerns, particularly first and second-degree sprains. The severity of third-degree sprains may require surgery to heal tears immediately after the injury, but a chiropractor can help with long-term recovery treatments in these cases as well.

There are basic early steps to treating a sprain immediately after injury that a chiropractor will recommend. RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) will help relieve inflammation and pain, which will then allow for more focused treatments addressing the specific area. A chiropractor may also recommend or perform light movements to exercise the area, so that further complications and stiffness do not occur.

Overall, a chiropractor is aiming to do two things in the case of a sprain: reduce the presence of scar tissue and strengthen the area to avoid future damage.

When to See a Chiropractor

If a sprain does not require immediate surgery, visiting a chiropractor early in the process will only help to make long-term healing quicker and more effective. A chiropractor will likely not perform intensive work on the area until swelling has reduced, but chiropractors are well versed in immediate techniques that will help reduce pain quicker.

Always remember, that a sprain can get worse if not immediately treated, and in the case of severe pain it is best to seek emergency medical services in case immediate surgery is required.

Sprains can be incredibly debilitating injuries, not to mention painful, and can cause long-term problems like arthritis if not properly addressed. Fortunately, chiropractors can address immediate and long-term issues related to sprains. Chiropractors can treat sprains comprehensively, ensuring total body wellness.

For more information, contact Horst Chiropractic today.

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