Easy Ways to Increase Your Daily Activity

 In Exercise

The statistics on the amount of daily exercise that Americans get can be more than a little disheartening. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), adult Americans should be getting 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, or approximately 20 minutes per day. Unfortunately, 60 percent of adults don’t reach that goal for daily activity. Even more troublesome is the fact that up to 25 percent of adults don’t get any daily exercise at all.

It shouldn’t be too difficult to determine that this lack of daily activity can be a big factor in the increasing rates of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes that we are now seeing among American adults. Dr. Nathen Horst is seeing this trend among his new patients, who are turning to him for help in ways to get their chronic health conditions under control. It may seem impossible to squeeze in 20 minutes of moderate activity into a day already full of work, child care, preparing meals, and housework. However, with a bit of careful planning, there are some easy ways to get in those 20 minutes in each day.

Walk a Little Further

It’s habit to seek out the parking spot closest to the grocery store or workplace. Instead, try parking farther away so that you get in a bit more exercise walking to and from your car. Not only does it allow you to get in more daily activity, but it frees up a closer spot for people who might have mobility issues and have more difficulty walking further. If you take public transportation, get off the bus or train one stop earlier than your usual one in order to get in more walking distance.

Step Up

If your workplace or doctor’s office is only up one or two floors, why not just take the stairs instead of the elevator? Not only will you get where you are going faster than if you wait for an elevator, you will get in a good workout along the way. In fact, you can easily get in a quick 10-minute workout by just taking a few trips up and down one flight of stairs. This can also be a great motivator if your break room at work is not on the same floor as your office. If you really want that cup of coffee, you can turn it into a reward for taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

No Lounging at Lunch

Most people usually sit in the break room and chat with friends while eating lunch. Instead, why not take that lunch hour as an opportunity to get in some exercise by taking a few laps around the office parking lot? You can eat your lunch at your desk while you work, either before or after your lunch break. Alternatively, if you get break periods and a shorter lunch, you can take one of your breaks to get in some walking. It might be fun to get your coworkers to join in so you can egg each other on.

Getting in 20 minutes of moderate exercise each day may seem to be impossible. However, with a bit of creative thought, it’s actually pretty easy to squeeze in the time without too much difficulty. You might be surprised at some of the health benefits you will see.

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