Four Ways a Desk Job and Constant Sitting Can Damage Your Health

 In Conditions

More research is confirming what most people already know: sitting all day is bad for the body. Sitting constantly is common among people who work desk jobs and have to sit all day. Unfortunately, there are many individuals who must sit at work every day to get work done, but it’s important for these individuals to know that chiropractic care and other lifestyle changes can help. Before getting into the details of why chiropractic care is important, here are four ways that constant sitting can affect a person’s health.

  1. Increased risk of health problems – There is a wide range of health problems that are associated with inactivity. When a person sits at a desk all day, in a stationary position, they are at higher risk of increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess fat around the abdomen and flanks, and abnormal cholesterol levels. The longer and more often that a person sits all day, the more strain they are putting on their body.
  2. Poor posture and back pain – Poor posture is one of the most common side effects of constant sitting. A person can only sit for so long with good posture before it become far more comfortable to slump over his or her desk. The worse a person’s posture becomes, the more susceptible they are to back pain, as poor posture can cause misalignments in the spine.
  3. Slower metabolism – When the body has been inactive and does not require as many calories to function, the metabolism is naturally going to slow down, making it much more difficult to utilize the calories a person takes in.
  4. Increased fatigue – Just because a person is sitting all day does not mean they are not going to be tired. Because the metabolism has slowed, the body is not going to be producing the energy that it needs to get through the day. The result: the person is exhausted, even if they have been sitting all day.

How Chiropractic Care Helps with Health Problems Caused By Sitting

Remember that while sitting at a desk all day can be damaging to overall health by increasing health problems, causing poor posture, slowing down the metabolism, and increasing fatigue, there is a way to avoid these problems and get help. Consulting a chiropractor can help any individual with a desk job take preventative measures to avoid unnecessary pain. A chiropractor helps guide patients to teach them how to avoid health problems that come from desk jobs. Additionally, a chiropractor can treat posture problems, strengthen sitting and back muscles, and put patients on a plan that will help them take preventative measures and also help with recovery. Finally, patients should remember to take short breaks every hour or so, getting up to walk around and stretch the muscles. If possible, get a standing desk, so you can stand part of the day while working.

Contact Horst Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Horst. We look forward to hearing from you.

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