Can a Chiropractic Adjustment Help with Hiatal Hernias?

 In Conditions

At Horst Chiropractic, we strive to improve the health and overall well being of every patient who visits. We’re one of the leading chiropractic facilities in Temecula, CA, offering a holistic approach to healing. By working with an experienced chiropractor like Dr. Nathen Horst, you can reduce pain, improve mobility, and enhance your general wellness.

There has been some discussion about chiropractic adjustments and how they can potentially help treat hiatal hernias. Let’s explore the matter below and discuss the effectiveness and potential benefits of chiropractic care.

What Is a Hiatal Hernia?

A hernia simply means that an organ pushes through the muscle and/or tissue that’s meant to keep it in place. This can lead to pain and even life-threatening medical problems if left untreated.

The most commonly known hernia occurs in the groin (inguinal hernia). By contrast, a hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach sticks up into the chest cavity.

Causes of Hiatal Hernias

Hiatal hernias are caused by an opening in the diaphragm, a sheet of muscle tissue that helps separate the chest from the abdomen. When the muscles of a diaphragm weaken, the upper part of the stomach can push through and up into the chest cavity.

Pressure on the stomach tends to be one of the most common causes of these hernias. Obesity, advanced age, and trauma to the abdomen or chest can increase the risk of a hiatal hernia developing.

Signs and Symptoms of Hiatal Hernias

The most common signs and symptoms of a hiatal hernia include the following:

  • Chest pain
  • Heartburn
  • Acid reflux (GERD or LPR)
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Shortness of breath

Sometimes these symptoms are difficult to detect, yet people should be mindful of these issues. If left untreated, a hiatal hernia can cause iron deficiency, anemia, volvulus, and bowel obstructions.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

While chiropractic care is often thought of as targeting the spine, chiropractors are able to target different parts of the body to improve patient wellness. Chiropractic care can potentially help with hiatal hernias, targeting the abdominal area and chest cavity. Regular adjustments can provide a sense of wellness and relief, potentially improving overall wellness by creating a sense of stability and balance.

With regard to the hiatal hernia itself, a chiropractor can place careful pressure on the abdomen, helping reposition the stomach so that it is shifted into its natural place below the diaphragm. A series of adjustments may be necessary to achieve these results.

The Results and Effectiveness of Chiropractic Treatment

The results of hiatal hernia adjustments can vary from patient to patient. In some cases, the stomach can be properly repositioned and the hernia remedied. For more serious hiatal hernias, traditional surgical approaches tend to be more ideal.

Even in cases in which the hiatal hernia is not cured, patients may experience less serious chest discomfort and some relief of acid reflux and other symptoms thanks to their chiropractor.

Part of a Holistic Approach to Relief

In addition to targeting the hiatal hernia as part of a chiropractic visit, a chiropractor will discuss various aspects of your lifestyle that may trigger a hiatal hernias and a worsening of symptoms. This includes discussion of your diet, your activity level, and other habits. Pinpointing triggers can aid in prevention and management.

By focusing on various aspects of your health and wellness, we can develop a treatment plan that properly addresses your needs and promotes total wellness. Think of chiropractic care as one of many steps in the right direction.

Contact Horst Chiropractic

If you would like more information about your options for chiropractic care, we encourage you to contact an experienced chiropractor today. We will help develop an ideal treatment plan that addresses your needs.

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