Dizziness after a Chiropractic Adjustment

 In Pain

Many patients who come to see Dr. Nathen Horst think of chiropractic as a “medicine of last resort.” They have explored almost all avenues of conventional medicine for relief from their symptoms, to no avail. Perhaps a friend, neighbor, or family member has suggested chiropractic care as a possible remedy. These patients may be dubious, doubtful, or even fearful that a chiropractic adjustment will help them. Unfortunately, these patients may not be properly prepared for some of the side effects, including dizziness, which may result from a chiropractic adjustment. Such patients may feel that a spinal adjustment is just another failed treatment and never come back again.

Dizziness is Normal after a Chiropractic Adjustment

The most important thing for new patients to understand is that dizziness for the first 24 hours following a chiropractic adjustment is perfectly normal and expected. It is part of the body releasing pent up tension and toxins as a result of the spine being adjusted into a more natural position. According to a 2004 study in the journal Manual Therapy, almost 61 percent of chiropractic patients experience some form of mild side effect for the first 24 hours following an adjustment,

Think of dizziness after an adjustment like what happens if you come up too fast after being bent over at the waist. You may experience a brief bit of dizziness as your inner ear works to readjust itself to your body’s new position. Dizziness following a chiropractic adjustment works much the same way. The body needs a certain period of time to reorient itself into the spine’s new, correct position.

Reducing Dizziness following a Chiropractic Adjustment

Drink plenty of water: Not only does drinking water help to rehydrate the body, but it can also help flush the toxins out of the system as quickly as possible.

Rest: The body needs rest to help repair itself. This is particularly important following a chiropractic adjustment. The spine is readjusting itself to its new, correct position. Resting gives the body time to heal and release any remaining toxins and tension.

Avoid bending the spine: Any sudden bending or twisting of the spine can act like a shock to the system. It may even throw the spine back out of its new, corrected position, causing even more problems than before. Move very carefully and slowly, and avoid lifting heavy objects for the first 24 to 48 hours following a chiropractic adjustment.

Symptoms Lasting Longer than 24 Hours

If dizziness or other side effects worsen or last for more than 24 hours, patients should make a follow up appointment with Dr. Horst. Another adjustment may be necessary to help the body hold the proper position.

Chiropractic care is a proven, safe method for dealing with a variety of ailments and injuries. However, it is important for patients to understand that there may be temporary side effects as the body readjusts to its new position. Dr. Horst is happy to answer any questions patients may have about possible side effects from chiropractic adjustments. Contact Horst Chiropractic to schedule an appointment.

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