10 Simple Ways to Cut Excess Sugar Out of Your Diet

 In diet, Health

Dr. Nathen Horst feels that a chiropractor can do more than just relieve pain. We always focus on total wellness for patients, which is why we’ve written about pain relief as well as diet, exercise, and other topics related to general well being. Patients throughout the greater Temecula, CA appreciate the benefits of this focus on different aspects of health.

Cutting back on sugar intake is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. You can lower your blood pressure, lose weight, and prevent dental problems simply by eliminating a lot of excess sugar. Here are 10 tips that can help you reduce the amount of sugar you consume. Take it slow to gradually get used to a low-sugar diet.

1. Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods tend to contain a lot of sugar, salt, and artificial ingredients. That goes for cookies, potato chips, luncheon meats, breads, and many other items on the shelves. Whenever possible, do your best to avoid heavily processed foods. The closer you can get to natural ingredients, the better.

2. Stay Away from Low-Fat Foods

Hear us out. Low-fat foods sound like they’re good for you since they’re low in fat. However, the fat tends to be replaced with excess sugar, and these low-fat foods are sometimes higher in calories than their full-fat versions. Stick to full-fat foods.

3. Read Labels and Ingredients

If you don’t read labels already, you really should start. Checking labels is a great way to monitor the sugar content of what you’re eating as well as the presence of artificial flavors and preservatives. A little bit of attentiveness can cut your sugar intake down quite a bit.

4. Avoid Soda and Fruit Juice

Soda and fruit juice tends to have a lot of added sugar that your body doesn’t need. Dial back on these sugary beverages. If you’re into fizzy drinks, have seltzer water instead. You can also buy a SodaStream to make your own healthier flavored sodas at home.

5. Drink More Water

Water is the best way to hydrate and stay healthy. Replace the sugary beverages with water and you’ll be surprised how your cravings will fade. If you want a bit of flavor, consider infusing that water with a bit of lemon, lime, or other fresh fruits.

6. Make Whole Foods a Staple of Your Diet

We mentioned how bad processed foods are, which brings us to this tip. “Whole foods” means foods that are unprocessed. This means fresh fruits and vegetables, whole nuts and seeds, and whole grains rather than flour. While whole foods contain sugar, the sugar is natural and in much lower amounts than their processed counterparts.

7. Focus on Protein for Meals

Many people wind up with high-sugar diets because of the brief spikes of pick-me-up energy. Rather than turning to sugar to keep you going through the day, focus on healthy protein instead. It’s much better for you, and the energy will last longer as well.

8. Consider Fresh Fruit for Dessert

Ice cream and cakes traditionally end a meal, but they’re loaded with excess sugar. Instead, think of some fresh fruit. The natural sweetness is delicious, and the fiber will be good for you too.

9. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleeping well can actually cut down your sugar cravings. Studies have found that people who get a full night of rest are less likely to eat junk food and turn to high-sugar snacks. If you need help improving your sleep situation, we had tips on preventing pain while sleeping earlier this month.

10. Don’t Shop on an Empty Stomach

If you’re grocery shopping while hungry, it’s easy to make a lot of impulse buys that aren’t good for you. Be sure to shop for groceries when you’re full. You’ll be more likely to make healthy choices and avoid those sugary food items.

Learn More About Total Wellness

For more information about improving your eating habits and making healthy lifestyle choices, be sure to contact a skilled chiropractor and total health expert. The team at Horst Chiropractic is here to help you.

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