Chiropractic Care and Endometriosis

 In Conditions

Endometriosis can be a painful and difficult disorder. Women who suffer from endometriosis may wonder if it is possible to treat the condition with chiropractic care. Alternative treatment options such as chiropractic care are growing in popularity because of the positive results they can produce.

Chiropractic care can provide relief for many of the most common symptoms of endometriosis. With regular treatment, many patients will begin to see their symptoms subside and experience increased relief. In some situations, pairing chiropractic care with a proper diet and other types of treatment can reduce or even eliminate symptoms. While any patient experiencing problems caused by endometriosis will want to consult with an OBGYN, it is also important to note that chiropractic care can offer many benefits.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Endometriosis

Chiropractic care for endometriosis often involves a spinal adjustment to bring the spine into proper alignment and improve overall health. It has been shown that the spinal cord and the reproductive system are linked; when you treat the corresponding area of the spinal cord, it can result in a positive effect on the reproductive system as well. By alleviating subluxations or misalignment that may be contributing to pain in the pelvic region, we can reduce symptoms and improve overall health. Treatment from a chiropractor can also help to restore what is known as peristaltic motion. This is a muscle function that is connected to the health of the uterus, and is what encourages the egg to travel from the ovaries to the fallopian tube. This motion is often irregular in women with endometriosis, and may be a reason why the uterine tissue begins to grow outside of the uterus itself.

Regular studies have been conducted that show how chiropractic care can benefit women with endometriosis, not just by encouraging proper peristaltic motion, but also by relieving any misalignments that might be contributing to pelvic pain. An irregular cycle is one of the main symptoms of endometriosis, along with pelvic pain, and even this symptom was reduced with chiropractic care. A reduction in lower back and pelvic pain were two of the most common positive side effects of chiropractic care. Other symptoms that may be improved with a spinal adjustment and chiropractor care include painful periods, painful intercourse, pain when going to the bathroom, heavy periods, bleeding between periods, fertility problems, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, or nausea.

Types of Chiropractic Care for Endometriosis

There are different types of treatments that are appropriate for women with endometriosis, but some of the most common include stretching and mobilization of joints. This technique is done by massaging the lower back to help aid peristaltic motion, and spine alignments to ensure relieve pinched nerves. These are often the first treatments a chiropractor may try when a patient comes in for help with endometriosis.

For more information about chiropractic care for endometriosis, or to schedule an appointment, patients should contact Horst Chiropractic. Any of our staff members here at Horst Chiropractic would be happy to answer questions or schedule your first appointment.

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