Chiropractic Care for Tendon Injuries

 In Conditions

Injuries to tendons are some of the most common that individuals will experience. These injuries can be caused by everyday activities, as well as playing sports or exercising, and may become worse over time if not properly treated. That’s why as soon as a patient starts feeling tendon pain, the patient should contact a medical professional, including a local chiropractor.

It’s important to know that some minor injuries may only require ice and rest in order to fully heal. But others should be treated by a skilled chiropractor that knows how to treat tendon injuries. However, most patients experiencing tendon pain are not sure if the cause of their pain is a simple fix or needs more care and attention in order for proper healing. At Horst Chiropractic in Temecula, Dr. Nathen Horst offers chiropractic treatment for tendon injuries.

Causes of Tendon Injuries

Sports and exercise are the most common ways that individuals injure the tendons in their body. Individuals that are physically active often experience tendon pain, especially when they forget to stretch. Tendons are located all over the body; they connect muscles to bone and are therefore important when it comes to muscle function and flexibility. This piece of tissue is flexible, but it is not elastic, which means that it can easily be injured by overextension, impacts, and falls. There are also a number of repetitive motion injuries that can occur to a tendon and potentially cause pain to a patient. Because of the important role that tendons play in the body, it is vital to treat a tendon injury as soon as it occurs, to prevent a more serious issue down the line.

Symptoms of Tendon Injuries

Some of the most common symptoms that are associated with tendon injuries include soreness, weakness, and restricted movement. Most repetitive motion injuries will be categorized by a dull, but persistent soreness in the area of strain. Issues caused by a traumatic event to the area will probably be sore, but they are usually accompanied by weakness and reduced mobility in the area. Swelling often follows soreness, pain, and weakness, as does redness of the skin. Depending on the severity of the injury, some people do experience a crackling noise when the area is manipulated.

How Tendon Injuries Are Treated

The first step is to identify the area of pain and how much pain the patient is actually in. Chiropractic care will use adjustments, stretching, and strength exercises to help to reduce the pain and inflammation that usually follows one of these injuries. If there are misalignments in joints that could be causing or exacerbating the issue, realignment will also be part of treatment. Scar tissue, overextension, or traumatic injury could all contribute to misalignment, and so all of these issues are usually addressed in treatment.

For more information about chiropractic care for tendons, contact Horst Chiropractic today. Any of the staff members are available to help set up appointments to make sure patients are properly cared for and comfortable. Our staff can help schedule convenient appointments for all patients.

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