Chiropractic Care versus Spinal Fusion Surgery

 In Technique

If you are experiencing the type of back pain that interferes with your work or personal life, to the point where you seek out the help of an orthopedic surgeon, you are not alone. In fact, severe back pain is the most common reason that people seek the help of an orthopedic surgeon.

One of the more common recommendations an orthopedic surgeon will make is a spinal fusion to stabilize the discs between each of the vertebrae in the spine. This procedure is invasive, expensive, and has a variable chance of success.

Before undergoing surgery, patients may want to try alternative treatment methods, specifically chiropractic care. What are the differences between spinal fusion surgical treatment and chiropractic care for back pain, and what are the pros and cons of each? Dr. Nathen Horst invites you to read further to find out more about each of these treatment options.

Spinal Fusion Surgery

Spinal fusion surgery is recommended as a means to permanently join together two vertebrae of the spine, similar to immobilizing a broken bone until it can properly heal. This is done by using either bone or a similar material in the space between the affected vertebrae, and then using metal plates, screws, and rods to hold everything together to heal into a single unit.

There are a number of reasons an orthopedic surgeon might recommend this procedure, including:

  • Spinal disc damage or degeneration
  • Spinal deformity
  • Spinal weakness or instability
  • Broken vertebrae

The main advantage of spinal fusion is that it can provide symptom relief for patients who have severe pain. In most cases, this will have been ongoing for a long time without any chiropractic care.

Unfortunately, one of the main disadvantages of a spinal fusion procedure (aside from the risks associated with any invasive surgery) is that the vertebrae surrounding those that were fused may end up having to carry an extra load due to changes in how your spine will move after surgery. This can cause extra wear and tear on the rest of your spine, possibly leading to more damage and pain.

The other main disadvantage is the cost of surgery, in addition to the cost for follow-up visits and months of physical therapy to regain some range of motion.

Chiropractic Care

In comparison to spinal fusion surgery, chiropractic care is non-invasive in treating spinal conditions that might otherwise result in the need for surgery. This is accomplished through adjustments to the vertebrae to fix misalignments (called subluxations) that can happen as a result of illness, injury, or stress.

If the vertebrae of your spine are misaligned, it can place pressure on the nerves passing through them and lead to improper signaling to and from the brain, via the spinal cord. The end result will be pain and stiffness.

Dr. Horst can correct these subluxations by re-aligning the individual vertebrae. These adjustments open up the spaces between each of the vertebrae so that they have enough room to slip back into their proper position.

Although you will feel relief after your first visit, the goal is to maintain the spine in its proper position, so Dr. Horst recommends maintenance adjustments, once the immediate problem has been resolved.

Chiropractic care has some distinct advantages over spinal fusion surgery. Its biggest advantage is that it is not invasive, so does not have the same risks as would surgery. Furthermore, it has been proven effective for preventing or delaying the onset of back pain that would otherwise require spinal fusion surgery if left untreated. Chiropractic care also costs considerably less than spinal fusion surgery.

The one downside to chiropractic care for spinal issues is that it cannot help in severe cases of deterioration, specifically if the discs between the vertebrae have completely disintegrated. This is why Dr. Horst urges his patients to see him for regular chiropractic adjustments as part of a life-long wellness program before they have severe back problems that may require surgery.


Meet Dr. Horst

I am a true believer in the power of Chiropractic. I believe that the power that made the body can heal the body without the use of drugs.

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