Healthy Protein Sources You Should Have in Your Diet

 In diet, Health

A bowl full of beansAt Horst Chiropractic, we take a holistic approach to wellness. That means offering chiropractic care/services to relieve pain and providing tips to improve your general health. Part of that involves a focus on what you eat how it affects your body. This is one of many things that sets us apart from other health and pain relief centers in the Temecula, CA area.

In the past, we’ve talked about ways to decrease your sugar intake and foods that are great for long-term joint health. This time, Dr. Nathen Horst wants to talk about great sources of protein. Protein is in every cell of your body, and it’s an efficient source of energy throughout the day. Consider adding a few of these common food items into your diet if you haven’t already.


Eggs have had a back-and-forth reputation as a health superfood and a cause of high cholesterol. The science is settled for now, and eggs have always been great. Packed with healthy fats, antioxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals, they’re a highly nutritious source of protein.


High in fiber and loaded with protein, beans are an excellent addition to your diet. Whether it’s chili or dips, beans are a versatile food. You can easily add some beans to most things you make as well.


High in protein, fiber, iron, and B vitamins, lentils are an excellent addition to your diet. They’re excellent in stews, and a fine side dish with many entrees as well.


Whether you have them whole or in the form of hummus, chickpeas are another great addition to your diet if you want some healthy, lean protein. Along with beans and lentils, you can stock up on chickpeas for very little at your grocery store’s bulk bins.


Nuts are a wonderful source of healthy fats and non-animal protein. They’re an energy-rich snack food to munch on as you go. Nut butters are also great protein sources, but try to go for natural peanut or almond butters with as little added sugar as possible.

Edamame and Soy

Edamame are immature soybeans still in the pod. When they’re warmed up, they become a delicious and simple snack that’s high in plant protein. And yes, consider all sorts of soy products as well for your protein needs, whether it’s soy milk or tofu.

Chicken Breast

Skinless chicken breast is a staple food for many athletes, whether they’re bodybuilders or elite fitness enthusiasts. Low in calories, a single chicken breast can contain more than 50 grams of protein.


Fish of all kinds have so many health benefits, from protein content to those much lauded omega-3 fatty acids. Adding some fish into your diet is ideal for health and wellness. Try to side with fish that has a low mercury content, however, such sardines, anchovies, and salmon.

Greek Yogurt

Yogurt that hasn’t been artificially sweetened is good overall, but Greek yogurt has all of the benefits of yogurt with extra protein content. Greek yogurt is easy to add to many breakfasts, and is ideal for snacks with fruits as well.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a delicious cheese curd that’s nutritious and packed with protein. Since it’s dairy, cottage cheese is also a great source of calcium and other important vitamins and minerals.


Looking to replace rice on your plate every now and then? Consider quinoa. This popular grain is highly nutritious and high in protein. It also has a somewhat similar mouth-feel to rice, which makes it a suitable addition to many cuisines and diets.


Whole grains are much better than refined carbs, and oats are excellent for breakfast given all of the fiber and protein. Be sure to get whole oats without added sugar or sweeteners for the maximum health benefits.


You may not have realized it, but broccoli is a great source of vegetable protein. Given, it’s not a much as chicken breast, but the protein content as well as the numerous vitamins and minerals in broccoli make it a great addition to your diet.

Learn More About Enhancing Your Health

For more information about eating healthy and living well, be sure to contact a skilled chiropractor and wellness expert. The team at Horst Chiropractic is here to help you enhance the healthiness of your lifestyle.

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