10 Wellness Tips for the Holidays and the New Year

 In Health

A woman in the snowThe holiday season is upon us, which means last-minute shopping, travel plans, and time spent with friends and family. It’s a great time of year, but it’s also quite stressful, and it’s common to lapse into bad habits and neglect your healthy living routine.

Dr. Nathen Horst and the team at our Temecula, CA chiropractic care and sports medicine clinic would like to share some wellness advice for the holidays. You can visit our office to discuss more ways to stay healthy.

1. Continue Eating Healthy Amid Holiday Feasts

During the holidays, it’s easy to overload on fatty, unhealthy foods, yet you can still eat healthy during the holiday season. Try to stick with whole foods, avoiding anything that’s been heavily processed. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a must, as are lean sources of protein and whole grains.

2. Eat Holiday Treats in Moderation

Cookies, cakes, and candy are abundant throughout the end of the year. If you’re not careful, you could be consuming hundreds of empty calories each day. Eat these treats in moderation, and try to balance them out with healthier snacks, like tangerines or apples.

3. Don’t Go Overboard with Alcohol

Having a drink every now and then can be great, so make sure you’re having alcoholic beverages responsibly. Always drink in moderation, and avoid getting too tipsy. Getting drunk will take its toll on your body and your energy levels the following day.

4. Hydration Is Always Essential

The winter air is drier than the rest of the year, which is why you should continue to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated. For dry skin, consider running a humidifier at night as you sleep, and use thick creams and lotions to moisturize.

5. Stay Active During the Holiday Season

You might be tempted to sit back and stay sedentary during the holidays, but it’s going to lead to problems. Make time to get active every day. Even if you don’t have time for a full workout at the gym, just taking a walk for 20 minutes to 30 minutes can work wonders for your sense of well-being.

6. Take Time to De-Stress

As fun as the holidays can be, they’re also quite stressful. Make some time to de-stress if you’ve got a lot on your plate. That could mean going for a walk or a run, meditating, or just sitting quietly to enjoy some tea or a warm beverage. These mindful respites can help a lot with a long day.

7. Spend Time with Those Close to You

The holidays are a great chance to re-connect with friends and family you haven’t seen in a while. Try to make the most of every moment you’re with your loved ones. Being kind and sharing your emotions is wonderful this time of year.

8. Make Time for Yourself

While you’re pulled in many directions and social gatherings during the holidays, make sure you have some time for yourself to be alone. This is a great recharge between parties and meals, and may be an essential reset that allows you to be present with the people you love.

9. Be Kind to Yourself

As a year winds down, it’s easy to beat yourself up over mistakes, unfinished projects, and unrealized goals. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Take a moment to think of how far you’ve come and what you can do better. A positive outlook on accomplishments and what you can improve upon is essential for feeling great at the start of a new year.

10. Enjoy a Good Night’s Sleep

Your body and mind need sleep to repair and to feel refreshed. Ideally, you’ll want to get around seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Make time to get a good night’s sleep as much as possible during the holidays.

Learn More About Healthy Living

If you want to learn more about wellness and pain relief at any time of the year, contact an experienced chiropractor and sports medicine specialist. The team at Horst Chiropractic wishes you Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, a joyous New Year, a healthy holiday season.

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