Chiropractic Care and Improved Mental Clarity

 In Conditions

While most people think of chiropractic care as a treatment for joint pain, the truth is that adjustments can go well beyond just pain relief. A number of patients who undergo chiropractic treatment have also reported improved mental clarity, less worry and anxiety, and a generally enhanced sense of well-being.

We’ve spoken about total wellness before, but there is evidence that an experienced chiropractor can improve your general health as well as your mental health. In fact, a survey published in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research found that 76 percent of patients experience an improvement in their mental and emotional health thanks to chiropractic visits. The team at our Temecula, CA practice would like to explore this idea.

Pain Relief Can Clear the Mind

Your mind and body are interlinked. When you feel good, you are more likely to have positive thoughts. If you suffer from body pain, chronic pain, stiff joints, or other conditions that impede a normal routine, you’re likely to have negative feelings and a clouded mind. You may also worry about the recurring pain, or trigger anxiety because you’re anticipating future pain.

From a simple standpoint, chiropractic adjustments can improve mental clarity and wellness simply by offering pain relief. When patients do not suffer from subluxations and do not have to focus on the pain they’re experiencing, they can turn their attention to other facets of life.

Helpful for Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety can impact so many aspects of our lives. Since the mind and body are interconnected, it’s possible for physical and mental health to affect each other. Perhaps unsurprisingly, chiropractic adjustment can help improve physical and psychological symptoms in people who suffer from depression and anxiety.

In a study published in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, 15 people were surveyed who suffered from depression as well as upper cervical pain. The people in the study underwent regular chiropractic adjustments. By the end of several adjustments, 11 of 15 patients reported reduced physical pain as well as improvements in their depression symptoms.

Regular Adjustments Can Help You Focus on the Positive

Undergoing a chiropractic adjustment feels great. Pain is relieved, stress levels are reduced, and you can achieve a relaxed state during and after a treatment session. This positive feeling can last for days, perhaps even through to your next chiropractic adjustment. This is why regular adjustments should be considered as part of your wellness routine.

Other Aspects of Total Wellness

In addition to in-office care, we also consider various aspects of your lifestyle that may play a role in holistic wellness. By eating better, exercising better, and considering other aspects of your routine, we can help you make additional changes that enhance your physical health and emotional well-being.

Again, chiropractic care can go beyond mere pain relief. The benefits are plentiful, and so many of our patients have had excellent and enriching experiences opened up for them thanks to regular adjustments.

Contact Horst Chiropractic

For more information about chiropractic treatment and how it can help you achieve total wellness, be sure to contact Dr. Nathan Horst. We look forward to your visits and discussing these matters in greater detail.

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