Chiropractic Treatment for a Pulled Groin

 In Conditions

Patients usually come in for a pulled groin when they have noticed pain in the inside of their thighs, where the adductor muscles are located. When these adductor muscles become too tight, stretched, or weak, it can lead to strain and injury. While a pulled groin is a common injury among athletes who are active in sports, such as hockey, soccer, baseball, and basketball, it can also happen suddenly and spontaneously, without any apparent cause being evident. At Horst Chiropractic in Temecula, CA, Dr. Nathen Horst offers chiropractic treatment for a pulled groin. Read on to learn more about the causes of pulled groins, and possible treatment options.

Causes of a Pulled Groin

A pulled groin is usually caused by the adductor muscles being overworked or overstretched. Often, the adductor muscles are overworked when the hip flexor muscles or the muscles at the back of the hip are not doing their job due to restrictions of some kind. When the adductor muscles compensate in this way, they become overloaded and stretched too tight. This makes them prone to sudden tears, which is what causes the pulling sensation.

The Symptoms of a Pulled Groin

Patients often come in reporting the following symptoms, which all relate to a pulled groin:

  • A sound such as a ‘pop’ or a ‘snap,’ which is followed by acute pain.
  • Pain when the patient tries to pull the knee up toward the chest.
  • The inner thigh muscles are affected by bruising or swelling.
  • The inner thigh area is affected by tenderness and pain.
  • Pain when the patient attempts to bring legs together.

Treatments for a Pulled Groin

Conservative treatments for a pulled groin include the application of heat to the area and gentle stretching exercises. Pain-relieving medication may also be prescribed.

Chiropractic Treatment for a Pulled Groin

There are several chiropractic techniques that are effective in treating a pulled groin. Some examples include the Graston technique and the Active Release Technique. Kinesio Taping is also a successful technique for treating a pulled groin.

The Graston technique helps to break up adhesions and scar tissue. It also increases blood circulation to the damaged area, which helps to speed up the healing process.

The Active Release Technique helps to restore the lost range of motion by increasing the length of the damaged tissues while removing the adhesions and scar tissues. It also helps to increase elasticity and bring the muscles back to their normal state of functioning. ART can also release any nerves that have been trapped, as well as open any blockages in the soft tissues.

Kinesio Taping supports and stabilizes the joints and facilitates healing. It does this without overstretching or overworking the muscles. It supports the rebuilding of circulation to the area, and it restores range of motion to the muscles that have been affected.

Using chiropractic treatments for a pulled groin helps holistic healing of the muscles to take place.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Horst Chiropractic today.

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