Chiropractic Treatment for Rotator Cuff Tears

 In Conditions

The rotator cuff is a combination of muscles and tendons in the shoulder. These muscles and tendons connect the shoulder blade to the upper arm. They are also called the rotator cuff group. These muscles help to lift and rotate the arms. When there is a tear to any of these muscles and tendons, it is called a rotator cuff tear. These tears could be a partial tear or a full thickness tear. In a partial tear, the soft tissues are damaged but not separated. Rotator cuff syndrome occurs when there is a loss of function and pain due to any injury of the rotator cuff muscles. Learn more about the types of chiropractic treatment available for rotator cuff tears and other injuries.

What Are the Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Tear?

A patient suffering from a rotator cuff tear will experience tenderness, weakness, and pain in the shoulder blade area. The patient will be unable to lift the arm at the shoulder level when there is a rotator cuff tear.

What Are the Causes of Rotator Cuff Tear?

A rotator cuff tear can be the result of a sudden injury or due to more gradual and long-term wear and tear of the muscles and tendons. Any motion that is repeated over a long period of time can also cause a rotator cuff tear. If the patient has been involved in activities such as throwing, painting, lifting the arms above the head on a daily basis, there could be a great deal of stress and strain placed on the rotator cuff muscles, which can lead to a tear if the patient has persisted in engaging in these activities even when there has been considerable pain.

How Is a Rotator Cuff Tear Treated Conservatively?

Usually, a patient with a rotator cuff tear is given pain medications in the form of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also called NSAIDs. Rehabilitative physical therapy, as well as rest will also be recommended to help the muscles heal themselves.

Chiropractic Treatment for Rotator Cuff Tears

Chiropractic treatments help to minimize inflammation of the muscles, restore function and full range of motion, and improve the health of the muscles. There will be chiropractic adjustments made to the muscles in the shoulder area. When done in conjunction with Functional Movement Screening, the chiropractic adjustments are even more effective because of the feedback given by these tests regarding any asymmetry or weakness in the muscles.

Other chiropractic treatments that are effective are the Graston Technique and Active Release Technique, both of which help to dissolve the adhesions in the muscles that are inhibiting full range of motion. Kinesiotaping also helps in treating rotator cuff tears by correcting the positioning of the shoulder muscles. There are also programs designed to help rebuild and retrain the shoulder muscles as part of the chiropractic program for rotator cuff tears. The mid back and neck areas may be treated to provide a more holistic treatment for rotator cuff tears. Shoulder mobilization and release of soft tissues can also contribute to the patient’s healing.

For more information, contact Horst Chiropractic today.

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