Temecula Chiropractor Dr. Horst and Exercise

 In Exercise

Hey everybody, it’s your local Temecula Chiropractor Dr. Horst here.  Today I wanted to talk a little bit about exercise and the holidays.

I know what you may be saying right now…Exercise really?? And during the holidays?!  Yep, you read this right 🙂


There’s a reason why everyone feels guilty following the holidays and sets that New Year’s resolution to lose weight and get in shape again.  I have a great idea…you don’t have to completely overindulge in food or completely stop exercising.  Let’s all decide to continue to exercise!


Many of my Temecula and Murrieta patients ask if I have any recommendations of places to exercise.  Well, I’m happy to tell you all about Santa Rosa Plateau.  For those of you not familiar with this gem of the Inland Empire, please let me enlighten you 🙂  Santa Rosa Plateau is a very unique area located 10-15 minutes from Temecula and Murrieta.  It is home to local southern California animals and vegetation.

You may be asking yourself, “Why’s this Chiropractor telling me about a nature reserve?”  Well, I have not gotten to the best part yet!  The miles of endless rolling hills with soft dirt which makes it an amazing place to run, jog, walk, hike, bike, or ride horses.  As you will see in this little video I made, it is B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!  I apologize for being out of breath during the video, but we all can be in better shape.  As you can tell, I try my best to practice what I preach 🙂  If you are looking for a nice place for a hike or run, make your way to the Santa Rosa Plateau!  Always remember to stay active, healthy, and happy!  Until next time…

Your friendly Temecula Chiropractor,

Dr. Horst

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