Chiropractic Care for Flat Head Syndrome in Babies

 In Conditions

Flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly) is a condition that causes a baby’s head to be misshapen. In addition to a flat portion of the skull, flat head syndrome can also result in bulges in different portions of a baby’s head. If flat head syndrome is not treated, it can potentially compromise brain function, leading to problems with your child’s cognitive skills and development.

Different flat head syndrome treatments are available, but a number of parents have been turning to experienced chiropractors to gently address the condition. The Temecula, CA team at Horst Chiropractic would like to consider the nature of flat head syndrome and how a chiropractor can carefully improve the shape of a baby’s skull without surgery.

Causes of Flat Head Syndrome (Plagiocephaly)

Flat head syndrome is caused by pressure exerted on a baby’s skull in the first months after birth. An infant’s skull is soft and pliable to allow for growth and development of the brain outside of the womb. In time, the different bones of the skull fuse together and harden. While the skull is still soft, pressure on the cranium can lead to an imperfect head shape. This is usually the result of a baby sleeping in the same position over a long period of time.

While the condition usually doesn’t develop until a baby is born, flat head syndrome can also be caused by breeched birth, constricted movement in the uterus, and craniosynostosis, a condition in which the bones of the skull fuse together prematurely.

Flat Head Syndrome and Torticollis (Twisted Neck)

We should also point out that torticollis (twisted neck) can also result in flat head syndrome. In this condition, a baby’s neck muscles may cause him or her to twist the neck a certain way. With a baby’s head locked in a certain position during sleep, that could cause a portion of their skull to become flat.

Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT): Chiropractic Adjustment for Flat Head Syndrome

Sacro occipital technique (SOT) is a process in which a chiropractor carefully and delicately shifts the position of the soft bones of a baby’s cranium. Delicately applied pressure during multiple sessions can help improve the shape and of a baby’s skull.

Additionally, chiropractic adjustment and soft tissue manipulation can be performed on infants with torticollis. This improves the range of motion of the neck, allowing for better movement of the head while the child is asleep.

Is Infant Chiropractic Treatment Safe?

This is a common concern among many parents, and definitely worth asking. A chiropractor can become board certified without ever having to work with any child, let alone infants. A wrong move could be harmful to an infant given how their bodies are so vulnerable and in the process of developing.

That said, we feel that our experience and our deliberate, delicate approach to treatment makes us well suited to addressing the needs of very young patients. We focus on incremental and conservative adjustments, always applied with the utmost care. Safety is always on our minds.

Considering Your Baby’s Sleeping Habits

In addition to SOT sessions to improve the shape of the skull, we can also discuss your child’s sleeping habits. Making sure your baby alters his or her head position and spends time on his or her tummy can supplement in-office care. This is part of our holistic approach to care.

The Results of Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)

Many parents have reported excellent results from multiple sessions of SOT. Their babies heads are rounder and less misshapen, which can improve overall facial aesthetics.

Contact Horst Chiropractic

For more information about treating flat head syndrome, be sure to contact the team at Horst Chiropractic. We will work with you to develop a safe and effective treatment plan for your child.

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