Muscle Spasms after Chiropractic Adjustment

 In Conditions

Working with an experienced chiropractic care specialist has many benefits, from pain relief to an improved feeling of general wellness. There can be some temporary side effects after undergoing chiropractic adjustment, however. Toxins in the body may be released during the chiropractic procedure, resulting in cold and flu-like symptoms. Sometimes simply relieving pain or stiffness causes your body to have unexpected responses to positive changes.

We have helped a number of patients who’ve experienced temporary muscle spasms after their chiropractic adjustment. This can be alarming at first, but it is nothing to be too concerned about. The team at Horst Chiropractic here in Temecula, CA would like to look closely at muscle spasms and discuss how they can be properly managed.

The Causes of Muscle Spasms

Muscles spasms are involuntary muscle contractions that cause the muscles to shorten. The spasms can cause cramping, tightness, and even pain. There are numerous causes of muscle spasms, including overworking a muscle, dehydration, physical trauma, and neuromuscular diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS).

Some people see chiropractors to treat frequent muscle spasms. Ironically, there are individuals who have muscle spasms and involuntary muscle contractions after they have undergone a chiropractic adjustment.

Muscle Spasms as a Chiropractic Side Effect

So, what’s happening here exactly? There are many factors to consider. Part of this may be due to the treatment of the initial stiffness and discomfort that a chiropractor is manipulating.

Muscles may spasm as a result of being stretched or worked in a manner that is not familiar. In the case of joint stiffness, muscle spasms may be a sign that a muscle group around the joint can finally be used again. You see, the muscles are getting used to the increased freedom of movement following chiropractic care. S

ince the muscles are weak from lack of use, they may spasm from suddenly being able to stretch and contract with a full range of motion. The toxic release following an adjustment can also cause or exacerbate these spasms.

How Long Will the Muscle Spasms Last?

For most patients, the muscle spasms should only occur sporadically and last for a few hours after their chiropractic visit. In some instances, the sporadic muscle spasms could last for around 24 hours.

As patients undergo further chiropractic adjustments, the spasms ought to become less of an issue. This would be a sign that the body is adapting to the positive changes brought on by chiropractic care, and the muscle in question is getting stronger and more flexible.

Managing Muscle Spasms after Chiropractic Adjustment

If you suffer from muscle spasms after chiropractic care, do not worry. The use of ice packs or heat packs can help soothe the sore or spasming muscle. Some stretching of that muscle can also help as needed. Your chiropractor may suggest some movements or exercises that will help with these matters.

Since dehydration is a contributing factor to muscle spasms, be sure to drink lots of water after your chiropractic visit just to be on the safe side. This will keep you hydrated and help flush out the toxins that have been released through adjustment.

Discuss Your Issues with Your Chiropractor

If you do have recurring issues with muscle spasms after chiropractor visits, be sure to bring those up during your next adjustment. Your chiropractor can work on soft tissue manipulation around the affected muscles to limit the spasms after treatment.

The nature of the adjustment can also be further modified to better suit your needs.

We’re more than happy to discuss concerns with patients. Our goal is to promote wellness and ensure positive experiences through chiropractic care.

Learn More about Chiropractic Adjustments

To learn more about chiropractic adjustments and why they may be the right option for you, we encourage you to contact Horst Chiropractic. We can go over your concerns and health needs and help you understand the benefits of chiropractic care. You can call us to schedule a consultation at (951) 693-2208.


Meet Dr. Horst

I am a true believer in the power of Chiropractic. I believe that the power that made the body can heal the body without the use of drugs.

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